Monday, April 30, 2012

Slovak Train Station Wine Shop

Martin, Slovakia has everything. I mean "everything!"

 This afternoon after lunch I walked to the train station and arrived about an hour early. To my surprise, I discovered the most beautiful little wine shop just three doors down from the train station. Tucked into the building and taking up all of 300 square feet rests a "find!"

I had never seen it before today--really! It was warm. The sun was out. Plants and empty wine bottles delightfully lined the three steps up to the shop next to the small blackboard sign with specials. And, of course, greeting me at the top of the steps,standing shyly near the door was  was the lady wine merchant. She looked my age. She had character.  I just had to go inside. I couldn't walk away and ignore her welcome. So, I was that polite American. I stopped walking. I turned around went back to the steps of her shop and greeted her in Slovak. After all, she had the warmest smile--nuanced just like the wine.

I walked up the steps and inside I found a delight.Wine by the glass--a full glass mind you--for .27 euro--that's about 40cents!!!! Well, I had time. The train eventually arrived late. So I bought a cool glass of Slovak wine and set myself down on the steps next to the plants and blackboard sign. It was meant to be. I was part of the ambiance. I was a symbol of the European life that takes time to savor the grape, the sun, and the beauty of the day. In fact, I did myself a favor and savored three glasses of wine and still made my train on time!

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