Monday, March 12, 2012

7:00 AM - Service of the Word

The Břevnov Monastery was founded in 993 by St. Adalbert and the duke Boleslav II. St.Adalbert brought the monks of the St.Benedict order from the Roman monastery at Aventine. The monastery was consecrated to St.Benedict and so the more than thousand-year history of the oldest contemporary friary began in Bohemia.
The medieval configuration of the monastery was totally supressed by later modifications. Today’s monastery is a vast two-storey complex with three yards in the high-baroque style.
Many areas modified in the baroque or classicism style were preserved in the interior. Of them, the Theresian Hall excels with its beautiful frescos on the ceiling and two marble fireplaces.

In 993, St.Adalbert as the Prague archbishop and Boleslav II as the Czech duke founded the Břevnov monastery. In the years 1035-1089, under the abbot Menhart, a stone church was built the patrons of which were St. Albert, St.Boniface  and St.Benedict). The remains of its crypt have been preserved up to the present time. In Břevnov, hermit Vintíř (Guntherus, died 1045) was buried and his local cult started to develop. 

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