Sunday, March 18, 2012

Moravian Vineyards - Southeastern Czech Republic

It was a beautiful weekend for a car trip and I took full advantage of the opportunity. I left at dawn on  Saturday morning to visit the wine country of the Moravian country in Czech Republic--about a three hour drive. The sky was clear and the country was beautiful.  I drove through sylvan hills with conifer woods to reach the lower valleys home to the marvelous vineyards of Moravia.

They don't look like this photograph yet. In fact, they are not yet budding out with grape or leafs. However, it was the weekend for the all the grape farmers to prune their vines. It was beautiful to watch and you could see how they orderly piled their pruned branches into neat piles.  I stayed in a wonderful village called Mikulov--with many tasting rooms and eateries. It sits on Holy Hill where a Chateau Castle--founded by a Czech King--looms over the beautiful valley. Wine's been produced here since Roman times and the hillsides and valleys are beautiful with mature vines and orchards. I stayed at the Eat Art Gallery and Pension. The food and decor was terrific and I enjoyed the folks very much. They couldn't speak English but  they had great wine to pour for guests.

Mikulov is the Napa Valley of the Czech Republic. The village square was busy as a film crew was directing actors in the town square and monument. I enjoyed myself and it was good fun to sit outside in the sunshine with a class of wine and some cheese watching the director, on a loudspeaker, keep her actors and crew moving along at a brisk pace.  The weather was warm and  the first spring day for many people. I bought some honey and wine home for me to enjoy long after the weekend is over.

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