Saturday, March 10, 2012

Hotel Adalbert-Prague

On the west side of Prague rests the 1000 year old Brevnov Monastery. This garden of green in the middle of an urban city is the setting for the Hotel Adalbert. Yep, I'm staying inside a room that's been here for a millennium. Pretty neat.

Honestly, it's the nicest place I've stayed since arriving in Europe. I'm a bit sheepish about showing you this place but you must put it on your list if you visit this enjoyable city.

Thanks to Rick Steve's travel books it's half price for me during the month of March. The setting is fantastic and they have worship next door on Sunday.  

Across a cobble stone path, just twenty steps, is the rustic Klasterni Senk restaurant. I ate there Friday night and enjoyed chicken, pork and vegetables skewered and grilled over an open fire.The meal was served on a wood plate.  The salad was delicious. The dark beer perfect. The coffee and apple strudel with ice cream was a complete surprise but fitting end to the meal. 

1 comment:

  1. Prague is a very beautiful place! Those great pictures above makes me want to go back again on that place. Thank you for sharing and I am looking forward to read more of your post about prague hotels.

    Hotel Prague
