Monday, March 26, 2012

Krakow Street Mimes

They get your attention. They don't move. Then they do move. Then you jump!  This little boy is just one of the crowd who was drawn in by the knight. He learned!

Designed in 1257, the public square, called Market Square in English, is the largest in all of Europe. On Saturday morning I saw half a dozen Street Mimes: Yoda was my favorite, but the Golden Mime was a close runner up.

You can find them in different locations around the square. Some are in front of cafes where customers enjoy their espresso and the mime. Others stand in corners or side streets and catch the action of crowds walking by them all morning long.

They put on quite a show. The crowds applaud and some even drop some polish zloty into the coffers! It's something you can really loose your head over.

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